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Thomas Peterson

Strategy Manager

Australia Post | AT Kearney

Jessica Spaull

Success Factors Lead


Peter Milus

Financial Controller Parmalat .


Bikram Soni

Engagement Manager

EY | Google

Prageeth Weerasinghe

Data Architect


Gabriela Santana

Risk Manager


150+ vetted advisors

Across Technology, Banking, Consulting and several other industries

65 Advisors

In Senior Management

Advisors across

 Blue chip companies such as Google, Mckinsey, Macquarie, EY, ANZ and many others

50 Advisors

with 20+ years of


Tom Bardish

“ Spoke to 7 MBAs across different industries to make a decision about my list of subjects, schools and future opportunities. •Invested $ 500 (approximately $70 per call) before committing to an $80K MBA “

Sangeeta Diwan

“ Spoke to 4 product managers across top tech. firms in Australia to know what skills to develop and how to approach Product Dev roles. Each advisor had their own style and experience, which gave me perspective to make a well rounded decision “

Joanna Fingland

“ Got interview tips from 3 management consultants across Mckinsey, BCG and Bain. Each charged approximately $ 100 for their time, which gave me good insight to crack case studies and job interviews at consulting firms “

Ram Sinha

“ Got advise from a few migrants working in IT regarding searching jobs and finding relevant opportunities based on my experience in India. The advisors openly shared their experience and helped me connect with their wider network. “

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+61 0449181606